The Motivation Behind It All…

We have a deep, burning vision that we can create a shift in the way we view parenting as a society.

We believe that all children deserve to have really great parents.

We believe that it is imminently possible for each of us to become the parents we wish we were-- if we have the right tools, training, and education available to us.

We believe that parenting is the skill that makes the world go round. 

Whether your kids are 5, 15, or 25--

Whether you have your own kids or you see children in your world and you believe they deserve better--

Whether you grew up with a silver spoon or scrapping it out--

Whether your own parents were right on the money or out in left field--

We Believe We Can Do Better.

We believe that we can learn to re-parent ourselves, make dynamic shifts in the way we parent, create a safe space for the parents around us to flourish, and in doing so, shake the very foundation of the human race.

We are stepping forward as the architects for this vision, and we are asking you to join us now. We are devoting every resource available to the realization of a shift in global culture around parenting. The more who join us, the sooner, bigger, and better impact we can make.

We will find and hire people with as much passion as we have, and we will facilitate the genesis of the highest quality, most accessible childcare and education ever created, with the express purpose of training, educating, and empowering families everywhere.

We can see the path clearly and we are following it with love, light, and ever increasing momentum.

Would you like to help drive the parenting movement that goes down in history as the place where it all started? The institution that fortified and secured the future for the children of our time? And as a byproduct, created an abundance of light and love for all of us who exist here with them?

You can see it too, can't you?

You can feel it in your toes. Deep in your bones. And most importantly, in your heart.

You dare to hope.

You dare to believe it is possible.

You wish you had been parented differently.

You don't want to mess up your kids.

You're afraid of what your kids will miss out on because of your shortcomings.

You wonder if anybody knows how to get it right.

The answer is, maybe not. We don't believe that any one source has all the answers here. But we believe that if we choose to value parenting as a society, if we choose to hear those who are gifted in this field, if we seek, support, and cultivate a community of people who love the children

We believe we can create a collective movement and share what we know, honor innovation, strive for greater understanding-- we can change the world by healing, loving, supporting, and nurturing the inner children of our own generation, as well as those we are now raising up, and we will create a ripple effect for the inestimable betterment of mankind.